Chinatown is Here, Ushering in the New Year!

Hey Natives,
We have just added a new Chinatown map into our metaverse in relation to our Chinese partners.
The Chinese community has always had issues with participation in crypto projects be it blockchain services, gaming, NFT, or DeFi projects due to rule & regulations, language barrier, etc.
ProjectOasis has always aspired to create a one-of-a-kind metaverse, a haven for retail players and an aggregator for exceptional projects. Being a multicultural team, we take the initiative to actively connect communities and create cooperation opportunities. Oasis Chinatown is launched with the mission of becoming the bridge for the Chinese and global communities.
Chinatown and Partners
In the Web2 era, the amount of projected users in Asian projects had surpassed their Western counterparts. With the trend of blockchain gaming development, the number of Asian users will undoubtedly multiply and more projects will be launched, hence providing unprecedented opportunities for entrepreneurship and wealth creation.
With minimal cultural differences, Chinese and Southeast Asian communities can easily integrate at grass-root levels, allowing quality projects from Asia to break through their network and ascend into the mainstream.
ProjectOasis Metaverse is tasked to bring Chinese and Southeast Asian communities closer together and become the bridge to share resources, incubate and connect projects, promote educational content and hold AMA gatherings. Oasis partners and community will move forward hand in hand, and grow through multicultural cooperation and resource sharing.
Here’s a warm welcome to our partners in Chinatown!
Paint with Dreams, Presents Prosperity.
Drive your dream, live up your glorious youth.
We hope we will sing with the achievements of Oasis Chinatown next spring!

Axie Infinity 带动了前所未有的链游热潮,这亚洲的星星之火,成功激起链游的燎原之势。优质团队一直诞生,优质项目更有待发掘,一块块的璞玉不容错过。
ProjectOasis·绿洲元宇宙肩负着把中文社区和东南亚诸国的距离拉近,成为桥梁,撬动资源、接轨项目、推动教育内容、AMA 和更多的交流会通往主流。希望可以通过深度合作和资源共享,突破瓶颈携手并进。
以梦作画 呈现繁华
以梦为马 不负韶华
Please stay tuned for more updates in the future. If you have any questions, please reach out to us using any of the platforms below.