HODL Oasis Event 2.0

Hey Natives!
It’s time for the HODL Oasis Event 2.0. Due to popular demand from our community, we have decided to launch another OASIS Single Staking pool on OasisSwap which will be POOL 2 OASIS Single Staking.
The HODL Oasis Event is an Event where you stake your $OASIS tokens into a ‘farm’ to earn more $OASIS tokens at a varying percentage according to the total volume locked in the ‘farm’.
POOL 2 OASIS Single Staking will start at 11:00AM UTC 19th November 2021.
All rewards and raffle tickets allocation will be the same as the previous OASIS Single Staking pool.
Here is how you calculate your rewards :
OASIS x APR = Amount of rewards earned per year.
*APR reduces or increases based on the total volume locked (TVL) and the price of $OASIS tokens.
OASIS Single Staking
90 days — 135,000 $OASIS tokens cap. Pool will be discontinued after 90 days.
180 days — 210,000 $OASIS tokens cap. Pool will be discontinued after 180 days.
360 days — 135,000 $OASIS tokens cap. Pool will be discontinued after 360 days.
Staked tokens will be locked according to the pool that you’re staked in e.g., Tokens staked in the 90 days pool will be locked for 90 days.
After you “claim” your rewards, the rewards will be locked for a period of time before they are unlocked. The rewards will be locked up to a maximum of 360 days.
*locked period will depend on the respective pools*
This is to ensure that there won’t be a sudden influx of rewards from the harvested $OASIS tokens in the market.
Natives who stake in either Pool will be awarded a raffle ticket for a guaranteed allocation to the Attributed NFT sale. The longer you lock your tokens for, the more tickets you will get. The OASIS-BNB LP pool will have double the weightage of the OASIS single stake pool.
*Raffle tickets will be applied to all events within Oasis eg NFT sale, Launchpads etc.
You will be awarded a raffle ticket for every 300 $OASIS or 10 OASIS-BNB LP staked.
For $OASIS Single Stake Pool
90 days pool — 1x multiplier
180 days pool — 1.5x multiplier
360 days pool — 2x multiplier
300 $OASIS tokens single stake in 90 days pool = 300(300x1) = 1 raffle tickets
400 $OASIS tokens single stake in 180 days pool = 600(400x1.5) = 2 raffle tickets
300 $OASIS tokens single stake in 360 days pool = 1200(300x4) = 4 raffle tickets
Click on the link below for a guide on “How to stake/farm in the Oasis Metaverse”.
Please stay tuned for more updates in the future. If you have any questions, please reach out to us using any of the platforms below.
Website: http://projectoasis.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProjectOasis_
Telegram: https://t.me/ProjectOasis_Official