⚔OASIS Vanguard: How-to-Play Guide🛡

5 min readJun 29, 2022

Greetings Natives!

Are you excited for this? We are! That’s why we’ve made this little guide on the ins and outs of how to play OASIS Vanguard.

Let’s dive in!


Kill enemies that spawn in each wave to advance! Collect EXP crystals to level up and grow stronger. The more monsters you defeat, the higher your score. Aim to be one of the top 20 on the leaderboards to be awarded Oasis nuggets which you can use to redeem rewards!


How to Move

Use the WASD keys to walk.

You can move up, down, left, right, and even diagonally by pressing two keys at the same time (e.g. W+A = ↗️).

How to Attack

Move your cursor to aim, left-click to attack. You will deal damage to enemies that you hit with your weapon.

And my axe!


New enemies will spawn in each wave. You can see the remaining number of enemies that you need to kill for each wave at the top.

Different types of enemies will appear throughout the game. Some special enemies might show up at certain waves too!

Player Info Display

Your player info is shown on the top left of the screen.

Health Bar

The hearts represent your character’s health. Be careful not to get hit, or your health will decrease! Once you lose all your hearts, your character is knocked out and the game ends.

Don’t go breaking my heart

However, in multiplayer mode, if your partner is able to clear the current wave, you will be revived with full health!

Experience Gauge Bar

The experience bar tells you how much experience or EXP you have collected and how much more is needed to reach the next level.

You only gain experience points when you collect EXP crystals, so make sure you catch ’em all!

My preciousssss

Stat Upgrade Panel

At the end of each wave, you can choose to upgrade your stats if you have enough upgrade points from leveling up. Each stat affects your character differently… so choose wisely, young Native!

Your stats will reset when you get knocked out and start a new gameplay.

Hmmm… tanky build or a fast one? Or maybe stronger attack power?


Enemies sometimes drop power-ups that will give you buffs or benefits. They can help you stay alive longer, so pick them up whenever you can!

Power-up make you stronk

Special Hearts

These hearts spawn at certain locations on the map. You can use them to heal yourself fully if you have lost some hearts.

An extra heart is hard to come by these days

Game Score

How much you score depends on the number of enemy kills. You can view your current score anytime during the game on the top left.

Score as shown in-game

Your final score is recorded at the end of each game. The scoreboard shows your game stats.

Here lies a valiant hero who gave his life to defend Oasis


There are three separate leaderboards for the single-player and multiplayer categories. You will be competing with other players for the top 20 spots on each leaderboard.

Daily Leaderboard

  • Accumulated score — the score you gain from each playthrough will be added to your total score for this leaderboard

Weekly & Monthly Leaderboards

  • Highest score in a single playthrough — playing more rounds will not increase your recorded high score

Reset Times

Daily leaderboard: resets every day at 12:00 AM UTC
Weekly leaderboard: resets every Monday, 12:00 AM UTC
Monthly leaderboard: resets every 1st of the month, 12:00 AM UTC

Reward Center🎁

The top 20 on each leaderboard will be awarded OASIS nuggets that you can use to redeem cool prizes in the reward center!

Alpha Version Out on 30th June, 11 AM UTC — Early Access!

Exclusive for Attributed NFT holders and Raffle Ticket holders (stake at least 300 $OASIS)!

You can start playing the Alpha version tomorrow if you are an Attributed NFT holder or a Raffle Ticket holder!

Stake now, and you can even get bonus extra plays per day! (limited time)

Game on, Natives!🎮

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